What is Chiropractic? Dr. Steve Edelson of South Tampa (813) 831-8321 discusses the definition of chiropractic. He has been a chiropractor in Tampa for 13 years and a chiropractor for over 14 years.
Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of virtually every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body. Your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of your body. Chiropractic is the science, art, and philosophy that concerns itself with the relationship between the nervous system and all the functions of the body that it controls. Chiropractic recognizes that the power that created the body can heal the body--if there is no interference. Instead of covering up your symptoms with drugs, chiropractic looks to correcting the underlying cause(s) of your symptoms.
The Science:
Since it's beginning over 100 years ago, chiropractic has been based on the scientific fact that the nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body. While the brain is protected by the skull, the spinal cord is more vulnerable, covered by 24 movable segments. When these bones lose their normal motion or position, they can irritate the nervous system. This disrupts the function of the tissues or organs the nerves control. These misaligned vertebrae are called subluxations or misalignments and result in pinched nerves which then result in symptoms such as pain, or malfunction of organs. Chiropractic is the science of locating these areas of joint dysfunction, the art of correcting them, and the philosophy of a natural, drugless approach to health.
The Art:
After a thorough examination and review of your health history, your chiropractic doctor will recommend a specific care program. If yours is a chiropractic case, this will include specific spinal adjustments. The words "chiropractic adjustment" describes using a carefully directed and controlled pressure, by hand or by instrument, to restore spinal bones to a more normal position or motion. When spinal function is improved, nervous system function (health) can improve too. After years of training, chiropractic doctors become experts at using the right amount of force in the right direction to get optimum results. They know when to and when not to adjust. The chiropractic adjustment is truly an art.
The Philosophy:
Your chiropractor will focus on reducing or removing any interferences to your own inborn healing abilities. The body was designed to heal itself. If you have headaches, for instance, it is not because you have a deficiency of aspirin. Chiropractic looks for the cause of the headaches, or any other symptom, and has proven many, many times over the years that removing the cause can relieve the symptom.
Press Release: Chiropractic Tampa, defined by a Tampa Chiropractor
Chiropractic Tampa, defined by a Tampa Chiropractor
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