Chiropractic provided by an experienced Tampa Chiropractor (813) 831-8321 in South Tampa. You've been here before: you know that chiropractic is the world's largest, drugless healing art. Generally, chiropractic is not opposed to drugs – only over-medication, when people tend to put all their faith in medications.
Your chiropractor assesses your problem and determines where it lies in the spinal column, then works to adjust your vertebrae to revive your normal nerve energy.
Your chiropractor assesses your problem and determines where it lies in the spinal column, then works to adjust your vertebrae to revive your normal nerve energy.
Through your own experiences, you know that when you feel good, the rest of your life is enhanced. You can deal better with stress and everyday pressures, you can accomplish more, you're more energetic, and your moods are proportionately more positive.
Chiropractic works to get rid of a cause, not just a symptom. Everyone's program to feeling better differs, as does each person, depending upon how long the problem has existed. Age, physical condition, extent of damage, and the willingness to team with your chiropractor in working to restore your health are factors that we try to work with.
That's why we're checking back with you. A regular tune-up is always necessary. You've benefited from chiropractic care before, and although your treatment has discontinued, the element of time is always a factor. Your problem may have been dormant, and perhaps lately you've experienced symptoms of stress or other problems. The average person gives regular care to their automobile; the same should be given to their bodies! The difference between your car and your body is that you may purchase other cars, but you only get one spine!
How are you feeling these days?
Start the year off right by being good to yourself and making sure you are feeling as healthy as you can. This is the year for you. The year 2009 marks over 14 years of involvement in chiropractic care for Dr. Steve Edelson. Beginning with graduation from a chiropractic college in Georgia.
It's easy to get caught up in the everyday routines and pressures of your lifestyle and to forget that maintaining chiropractic care is beneficial to your total body health.
It's not too late…
There are three types of patients:
1. One who feels better after the first adjustment and therefore discontinues chiropractic care before he is completely well.
2. One who does not respond after 2 or 3 adjustments, so he gets discouraged and quits before he has had a chance to begin recovery.
3. One who, regardless of how he feels, continues his adjustments until his doctor dismisses him as completely recovered.
After correction on your spine is complete, don't forget regular spinal care...YOU DESERVE IT!
A good patient is as much a competitor as a good athlete...the patient is always trying to better his performance. Someone who is trying to reach a definite goal will make that extra bit of effort in order to do it. A person with no definite goal in mind doesn't have the same incentive.
As a chiropractic patient, break your goal to feeling better into small goals that can be achieved step by step. Keep score week-by-week and month-by-month to see how you are doing. You may sometimes find that your performance isn't as good as it ought to be. That's one of the best reasons for keeping score; it helps you to face facts immediately and prevents you from kidding yourself.
What would you think of a doctor who gave you no more attention than a single visit...stabbed you with a needle...and dismissed you without investigating your medical history or even asking about your aches and pains?
"A pill and a bill" never make for successful, long-lasting relationships in medicine...or business.
At Edelson Wellness and Chiropractic, our goal is to carefully analyze your problems, needs, and wants...present you with alternative ways to satisfy them...and follow through with conscientious service.
Don't confuse chiropractic with problems only of the spine. In this issue of "TO YOUR HEALTH" and others to follow, many areas which can benefit from regular chiropractic visits will be explored: allergies, poor circulation, chronic tiredness, bronchitis, stomach troubles, bladder problems, headaches, etc. Our topic this issue is BURSITIS.
Bursitis is characterized by nerve compression and pain that can be very severe. It generally weakens a person to the point that free use of the shoulder joint and often the neck are lost. Without help, the patient may lie in bed for days or weeks before being able to return to a normal routine. The bursitis victim may not even recall "over-exerting" the muscles or ligaments of the shoulder. Bursitis usually shows up as pain in the arm, shoulder, or neck and is often first noticed when the victim attempts to perform a simple task such as putting on his coat or combing his hair.
Arm and shoulder pain does not always mean that the trouble source is where the pain is felt. Often, the pain arises elsewhere and is felt in the arm and shoulder. The arms and shoulders are always involved in even the most routine movements. In making a living, or in recreation, man uses his arms and shoulders more than any other portion of his body. The movement of the shoulders is as ceaseless as is impossible to breathe without there being a continuous slight motion in the shoulder socket-joint that meets the upper arm.
The importance of pain-free motion of the arm and shoulder...motion necessary for pursuit of the actions you like or need to do...are brought sharply into focus as we realize the activities brought by the winter months, such as:
1. Raking leaves
2. Shoveling snow
3. Slipping on ice
4. Skiing, sledding, skating
5. Running or just walking
Other, more routine movements, such as steering a car, washing dishes, turning the pages of a book, or painting a wall can also easily trigger a bursitis attack.
A bursa is a sac-like structure found around all freely moveable joints. In its natural state, the sac contains fluid known as synovial fluid, which is used to protect the joint, so that bones are not rubbing against other bones. These bursae are made of fibers that can tear when injured, and the damage would then trigger an inflammation to occur, which is actually a healing response.
Because swelling is painful, it is sometimes difficult to realize that the inflammatory process is a "natural body response" to damage and is not the damage itself. In bursitis, the inflammation is the over-stretching or the excessive use of the ligaments, which cause a tearing of fibers, which then need to be healed by the body. The area swells so that your body can provide new red blood cells to nourish the joint and new white blood cells to clean out and drain the damaged tissues. The additional fluids provide a cushioning effect, which indirectly prevents movement of the joint so that further healing can take place.
Bursitis doesn't always come with warning. We all take many jolts, falls, and other injuries in stride, never realizing they cause potential problems to our spinal column and surrounding tissues. Nerve pressure can occur over a long period of time before your body makes you aware of it through the mechanism of pain. When nerve pressure occurs, the brain cannot communicate properly with the various working parts of the body, including the muscles and ligaments. As a result, the shoulder muscles and ligaments may be depleted of vital nerve supply for long periods, causing them to become unstable, or causing the connections between them to become unbalanced.
Considering the many uses of these joints in all our activities, it is important that you receive a full nerve supply to these tissues at all times. This is a must for precise, proper, and painless movements to occur the way nature intended.
At Edelson Wellness and Chiropractic, we are concerned with the correction of the displaced spinal bones, so that healing of the nerve root area will begin to take place. The referred pain will then begin to lessen.
X-RayX-rays will be used as guides to locate the exact cause of the problem. The X-ray is a diagnostic tool that enables the doctor to be more accurate in the analysis of the condition of your spinal column. You can be sure that we will examine and analyze your case specifically to correct your particular problem. We want to free you of your immediate symptoms by eliminating the cause of the problem and not simply treating the symptoms. We want to assure you that the benefit of improving the condition / cause helps avoid future troubles.
Edelson Wellness and Chiropractic honors most major insurance plans. Please let us know if you have questions about your particular carrier. We will be glad to work out an arrangement that will best suit you and your family's needs.
What causes subluxations of your spinal column? Often you may not even know you have a partial dislocation. At birth, many times a baby may be subluxated without even the mother or doctor being aware of it. A slap on the back, tripping on the carpet, practical jokes, slipping on an icy sidewalk, falling down steps - numerous everyday instances can cause discomfort for a short time and are dismissed as "nothing to worry about."
Less obvious causes are trauma, fear, and drugs. Whatever causes depression of the nerves, or tension, increases the chances of your vertebrae becoming misaligned.
Car accidents are the primary cause of many subluxations because the body is jarred or startled to a point where the vertebrae react.
Never dismiss any kind of accident - get it checked by your chiropractor immediately to prevent any chance of later problems.
Under good chiropractic care, patient response is between 5% and 100%. With your complete cooperation, we can work towards correction that will be 100%!
Lasting relief can be accomplished only by getting rid of the cause. Temporary relief can be given with drugs, medication, and some types of therapy, but these don’t get rid of the cause. Chiropractic deals with getting rid of the cause so that you can obtain lasting relief.
It takes time to get sick and it takes time to repair damaged tissue. Even when a sickness appears to happen suddenly, it usually is a condition that was caused by an accident that, perhaps at the time it occurred, did not seem to cause a problem. Don't make the mistake of thinking that relief you felt at the time equals with complete correction. Relief comes first, while correction takes a little longer.
Keep your appointments until your correction is complete.
Press Release: Chiropractic provided by an experienced Tampa Chiropractor
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