Friday, February 3, 2012

Are you a runner?

Are you a runner? Exercise is important, but can occasionally cause joints to misalign. I often see people who love to run with misalignments to the joints of the leg (ankle, knee, and hip). Chiropractic should be a part of a runners protocol to stay in optimum alignment and to have optimum performance and health.


Unknown said...

Actually running is the best exercise specially it is a natural way to become healthy and physically fit..

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Unknown said...

Running is great but I'd prefer walking everyday. That surely helps too in getting physically fit and healthy.

Darlene Fanning said...

Running is an enjoyable yet strenuous activity. It might cause you injury or pain during the run or even when you forgot to execute some warm up exercises. Runners should make it a point to treat their bodies once in a while. Massage or acupuncture would be a good therapy. It will help their muscles to relax and to keep joints rightly aligned.

Darlene Fanning

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Unknown said...

Thanks...for giving useful information about advanced chiropractic rochester

Unknown said...

A regular runner is at a risk of getting misaligned joints . Successful treatments must focus not only on pain relief, but must address the underlying causes such as muscular imbalances, improper sporting techniques etc .

Total Wellness Brandon

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