Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Say Adjustment, Not Manipulation.
Chiropractors use the term "Adjustment" to describe what we do. We do not say "Manipulation." Manipulation is a medical term, and we proudly tell people that we are not medical. In fact, the term chiropractic medicine is another term that I find to be incorrect. Chiropractic has nothing to do with medicine. Chiropractors utilize the healing art known as chiropractic, which works with the relationship between the spine, joints and the nerves. It is when the joints are moved out of their normal position and range of motion that there is irritation to the nerves that are associated with that joint. Often times these nerves are branching directly off of the spinal cord. Irritaion to these nerve roots can result in severe pain, inflamation, and malfunction in the body. This can even lead to disease. The chiropractor then uses the extensive education he or she has to find these problem (known as subluxations) and corrects them with gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments. It is the doctor of Osteopathic medicine who manipulates. I will not comment on what the purpose of the medical manipulation is, but I can say that it seems like a more negative term to me, than adjustment. For example, "You are manipulative" states clearly that you are not behaving in a positive way. However, performing a fine tune adjustment, is always seen as a positive thing. I for one, would much rather receive a fine tune adjustment, than be manipulated. Edelson Wellness & Chiropractic is located in Tampa, and specializes in chiropractic services for Tampa and surrounding areas.
When you are suffering from pain to your back, neck, and joints, you want an experienced professional who has a track record of success with helping people who have these issues. You want Dr. Steve Edelson. Dr. Edelson practices in South Tampa and in Seminole, Florida. He has patients who travel over an hour to see him, passing many other chiropractic offices on the way. When asked why, they have said that they would not see anyone else and that the distance did not matter. Quality of service is something worth traveling for. Dr. Steve Edelson is now accepting new patients. He has been in practice since 1995 and is an expert in the field of chiropractic. Dr. Edelson utilizes techniques such as Diversified (Palmer), Activator, Drop, SOT, Brimhall, Gonstead, and has created his own Cranial Adjusting Technique. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, or joint pain such as shoulder, knee, elbow, jaw, or wrist pain, then you should make an appointment right away. Dr. Edelson even uses Cold Laser Therapy. Call Today. In Tampa, for zip code 33629 and the surrounding areas of South Tampa, call (813) 495-0526. In Semiole,for zip code 33772 and the surrounding areas of Seminole, call (727)391-0221.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772
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