Friday, August 31, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Only For Smart People.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Only For Smart People.
Chiropractic is only for smart people, primarily because they know that it works so well. How many times have you been to the medical doctor for help with you health issue, only to leave frustrated because your doctor was not effective in helping you. Medical doctors can only do what they have been trained to do. An overwhelming majority of the time they will prescribe drugs for you, order expensive tests, or recommend surgery. Drugs are expensive and have side effects that can make you even sicker than you already are, tests are very expensive and do not always result in you getting the proper treament, and surgery does not always work. Smart people start out with a less expensive, more natural approach to solving their health issues. They call a chiropractor. Call (813) 495-0526 for Your Chiropractor. [Chiropractic] Care helps your body heal itself. Give your body a chance by having a [Tampa Chiropractor] align your spine, and reduce nerve irritation.[Chiropractor Tampa] Link.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, back pain, neck pain, Automobile Accident, headaches

Monday, August 27, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): When You Want Results.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): When You Want Results.
Call (813) 495-0526 for Your Chiropractor. [Chiropractic] Care helps your body heal itself. Give your body a chance by having a [Tampa Chiropractor] align your spine, and reduce nerve irritation.[Chiropractor Tampa] Link.
People go to a chiropractor for results. Other health care professionals are great at what they do, but are unable to address many of the health issues that seem to exist without obvious causes. More often than not, these are the issues that are caused by irritation to nerves. When nerves become irritated, they do not function properly, and therefore the part of the body that is controlled by that nerve also does not function properly. The result could be pain and inflamation, but could also become a health issue, as bodily functions begin to lose efficiency. The chiropractor is the best qualified health care professional to deal with this issue. Dr. Edelson is an expert in helping people who suffer from pain, inflamation, and decreased roange of motion. Chiropractic is safe, gentle, and effective. Instead of taking drugs to cover up you symptoms, let a chiropractor eliminate the underlying cause of the problem. Chiropractic does not have side effects.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, back pain, neck pain, Automobile Accident, headaches

Sunday, August 26, 2007

[Chiropractic] Care helps your body heal itself.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Gentle, Safe, and Effective.
Call (813) 495-0526 for Your Chiropractor. [Chiropractic] Care helps your body heal itself. Give your body a chance by having a [Tampa Chiropractor] align your spine, and reduce nerve irritation.[Chiropractor Tampa]

Dr. Edelson is an expert in helping people who suffer from pain, inflamation, and decreased roange of motion. Chiropractic is safe, gentle, and effective. Instead of taking drugs to cover up you symptoms, let a chiropractor eliminate the underlying cause of the problem. Chiropractic does not have side effects.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chiropractor Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson)

[Chiropractic] Care helps your body heal itself. Give your body a chance by having a [Tampa Chiropractor] align your spine, and reduce nerve irritation.[Chiropractor Tampa] Link

Friday, August 24, 2007

Search Engine Optimization

Get to the TOP of Google by Posting Your Ad for Your Business, or for what ever you want to promote on my Portals. The Search Engine Spiders like to see new content. If you write new content daily or as often as possible, with the link to Your web site, your site will get to the TOP of the Search engine. The cost is ZERO. Here are the links to these portals:

Good Luck with your Internet Marketing Efforts - This should help you.


Dr. Steve

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): When should you choose chiropractic over medicine?

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): When should you choose chiropractic over medicine?
You should choose to go to a chiropractor before going to a medical doctor for most aches and pains that you have. Then if your chiropractor tells you that you need to go to a medical doctor, you should go. I would recommend going to a medical doctor if you are bleeding or if you have a broken bone. You may choose to go to the medical doctor if you have a bad infection. But for most other problems, going to a chiropractor first makes more sense. By doing so, you are choosing a more natural approach to solving your issues, allowing the chiropracotr to help your bodies own defenses and healing powers to correct the problem as nature indended. A chiropractor eliminates nerve irritation that is caused by joints going our of their normal alignment and range of motion. Think natural, think healthy, think chiropractic. Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Auto Accidents, 33629, 33772, Seminole
For more information, check out these web sites: BLOG and WEB SITE. And check out the Press Release, and you can call Dr. Steve Edelson at (813) 495-0526. Dr. Steve is a Chiropractor on Bay to Bay Blvd. in Tampa, Florida.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Chiropractic Helps correct the cause, not the symptom.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Chiropractic Helps correct the cause, not the symptom.
Dr. Steve Edelson, chiropractor in South Tampa, has recently been asked why chiropractic care is a better alternative in his opinion than taking a drug to relieve the pain. His answer was that a chiropractic adjustment is directed at eliminating the cause of the problem, not covering it up. Drugs that are used for pain reduction, and for decreasing inflamation are ok to use in moderation, and in conjunction with chiropractic, but they do nothing to address the cause of the problem. They only mask the problem. ALso, one has to keep in mind that many drugs have side effects. The most common side effect of a chiropractic adjustment is that the pain will go away, and maximum potential for healthy bodily function will return. Doctors of chiropractic are fully trained professionals that know how to find the underlying reason for your sysmptoms. Dr. Edelson added, "In my opinion there is no better way to detect and correct the cause of the problem that creates the pain, than by going to a chiropractor." Chiropractic is the art, science and philosophy that utilizes the close relationship between joints and nerves. It is when joints become shifted, even slightly, out of their normal position that trouble begins. Normal joint motion is then affected and causes irritation to the joint itself. This can lead to degeneration of the joint - also known as arthritis. The other factor that is even more important is that when these joints become subluxated (misaligned) they irritate the nerves that are in the area. This irritation causes pain, inflamation, tingling, numbness, burning, and even malfunction. Other health issues can be caused by this type of nerve irritation. There are branches of the nerves that go to the muscles, and other branches that go to organs, glands, and elsewhere. It is not too uncommon for a patient to come in with low back pain, but also have issues with frequent urination, or constipation. Then we often see that this same individual reports having these issues improve along with having less back pain. This is true of other health issues as well. Chiropractors often work with massage therapists. Massage and chiropractic not only helps with pain, but has a positive affect upon our immune system. Dr. Edelson has two office locations. One office is in Seminole, Florida and the other is in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Edelson has helped people who suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, and pain to the shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists, and jaw. He has over 12 years of experience in treating injuries associated with automobile accidents. People who have been in a car accident not only have their joints thrown out of alignment, but they also tend to get torn ligaments. Whiplash injuries are particularly common, and can be quite painful. Chiropractic is extremely effective in dealing with these issues. Dr. Edelson also educates his patients in the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. Most people automatically think to get in touch with a medical doctor when they are hurting or if they are sick. They have been trained since youth to associate the correction of these ailments with a medical model. In fact, even the word doctor has a specific meaning for most people. When they refer to another individual who happens to have a doctorate degree, they often say that they are not a real doctor. This is what many people say to chiropractors. Guess what? Chiropractors have a doctorate degree. It is true that a chiropractor is not a medical doctor and do not have an M.D. after their name. Instead they have a D.C. after their name, which means doctor of chiropractic. The doctor of chiropractic educational program happens to be very similar to what a med student would experience, up to a point. When it comes time to learn about medication and drugs, the chiropractic student learns about the art of detection and correction of the vertebral subluxation. Many chiropractors even learn about how to help other joints, such as shoulders and knees.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Seminole, 33772

Monday, August 20, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Gentle, Safe, and Effective.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Gentle, Safe, and Effective.
Call (813) 495-0526 for Your Chiropractor. Dr. Edelson is an expert in helping people who suffer from pain, inflamation, and decreased roange of motion. Chiropractic is safe, gentle, and effective. Instead of taking drugs to cover up you symptoms, let a chiropractor eliminate the underlying cause of the problem. Chiropractic does not have side effects.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches

Monday, August 13, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Neck Pain can cause Headaches

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Neck Pain can cause Headaches
What is causing your neck pain? Chances are that it could be coming from your neck or shoulder area. Sometimes a joint, or joints in your neck or upper back can become misaligned for any number of reasons. This misaligned joint often irritates nerves that are in the immediate area. It is this irritation of nerves that can cause pain. The pain can be at the site of irritation, or it can radiate to another area. Many times, headaches are caused from the irritation to the nerves in the neck or upper back. Sometimes, the plates of the skull can shift ever-so-slightly, and cause headaches as well. Headaches can also be caused by allergies, or reactions to smells or chemicals also. If your headache is being caused by irritated nerves in your neck, upper back or skull, then a chiropractor is the best person qualified to eliminate the cause of the problem, instead of covering it up with medicine. It is not easy to tell whether or not you have joints out of alignment. However, if you get headaches frequently, the chances are that this is the case. Dr. Steve Edelson is an expert in helping people to eliminate headaches, by correcting the cause of the headache. When you are suffering from pain to your back, neck, and joints, you want an experienced professional who has a track record of success with helping people who have these issues. You want Dr. Steve Edelson. Dr. Edelson practices in South Tampa and in Seminole, Florida. He has patients who travel over an hour to see him, passing many other chiropractic offices on the way. When asked why, they have said that they would not see anyone else and that the distance did not matter. Quality of service is something worth traveling for. Dr. Steve Edelson is now accepting new patients. He has been in practice since 1995 and is an expert in the field of chiropractic. Dr. Edelson utilizes techniques such as Diversified (Palmer), Activator, Drop, SOT, Brimhall, Gonstead, and has created his own Cranial Adjusting Technique. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, or joint pain such as shoulder, knee, elbow, jaw, or wrist pain, then you should make an appointment right away. Dr. Edelson even uses Cold Laser Therapy. Call Today. In Tampa, for zip code 33629 and the surrounding areas of South Tampa, call (813) 495-0526. In Semiole,for zip code 33772 and the surrounding areas of Seminole, call (727)391-0221.
You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Now Accepting New Patients

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Now Accepting New Patients
Dr. Steve Edelson, chiropractor in South Tampa is now accepting new patients. His office is located at 4250 Bay to Bay Blvd., one block east of Manhattan Ave. and a few blocks west of Dale Mabry Hwy. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, joint pain, or if you have been in an automobile accident you may call for an appointment. Dr. Edelson also sees patients for preventative maintenance. Dr. Edelson utilizes many well known chiropractic techniques such as: diversified, drop table, S.O.T., activator methods, palmer method, and also has developed his own style of cranial adjusting. He has several physiotherapy modalities as well such as cold laser therapy, electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, vibratory percussion, and genie rub massage. Dr. Edelson also has an office in Seminole where he has all of the above and two massage therapists as well. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772

Monday, August 6, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Say Adjustment, Not Manipulation.

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Say Adjustment, Not Manipulation.
Chiropractors use the term "Adjustment" to describe what we do. We do not say "Manipulation." Manipulation is a medical term, and we proudly tell people that we are not medical. In fact, the term chiropractic medicine is another term that I find to be incorrect. Chiropractic has nothing to do with medicine. Chiropractors utilize the healing art known as chiropractic, which works with the relationship between the spine, joints and the nerves. It is when the joints are moved out of their normal position and range of motion that there is irritation to the nerves that are associated with that joint. Often times these nerves are branching directly off of the spinal cord. Irritaion to these nerve roots can result in severe pain, inflamation, and malfunction in the body. This can even lead to disease. The chiropractor then uses the extensive education he or she has to find these problem (known as subluxations) and corrects them with gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments. It is the doctor of Osteopathic medicine who manipulates. I will not comment on what the purpose of the medical manipulation is, but I can say that it seems like a more negative term to me, than adjustment. For example, "You are manipulative" states clearly that you are not behaving in a positive way. However, performing a fine tune adjustment, is always seen as a positive thing. I for one, would much rather receive a fine tune adjustment, than be manipulated. Edelson Wellness & Chiropractic is located in Tampa, and specializes in chiropractic services for Tampa and surrounding areas.
When you are suffering from pain to your back, neck, and joints, you want an experienced professional who has a track record of success with helping people who have these issues. You want Dr. Steve Edelson. Dr. Edelson practices in South Tampa and in Seminole, Florida. He has patients who travel over an hour to see him, passing many other chiropractic offices on the way. When asked why, they have said that they would not see anyone else and that the distance did not matter. Quality of service is something worth traveling for. Dr. Steve Edelson is now accepting new patients. He has been in practice since 1995 and is an expert in the field of chiropractic. Dr. Edelson utilizes techniques such as Diversified (Palmer), Activator, Drop, SOT, Brimhall, Gonstead, and has created his own Cranial Adjusting Technique. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, or joint pain such as shoulder, knee, elbow, jaw, or wrist pain, then you should make an appointment right away. Dr. Edelson even uses Cold Laser Therapy. Call Today. In Tampa, for zip code 33629 and the surrounding areas of South Tampa, call (813) 495-0526. In Semiole,for zip code 33772 and the surrounding areas of Seminole, call (727)391-0221.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772

Friday, August 3, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Joint Pain

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson, 813-495-0526): Joint Pain
Today's article will discuss joint pain. With so many chiropractors to choose from, make sure that you go to the chiropractor who is experienced in dealing with all types of joint pain. Dr. Steve Edelson is such a doctor. You should choose a chiropractor who has this experience because, some pain might not be a typical problem that originates from the exact area where you are experiencing your pain. For example, if you are having headaches, your problem could be coming from your neck, your skull, your spine, or even your extremities. Dr. Steve Edelson will even address your nutritional intake to determine the exact cause of your problem. Edelson Wellness & Chiropractic is located in Tampa, and specializes in chiropractic services for Tampa and surrounding areas.
When you are suffering from pain to your back, neck, and joints, you want an experienced professional who has a track record of success with helping people who have these issues. You want Dr. Steve Edelson. Dr. Edelson practices in South Tampa and in Seminole, Florida. He has patients who travel over an hour to see him, passing many other chiropractic offices on the way. When asked why, they have said that they would not see anyone else and that the distance did not matter. Quality of service is something worth traveling for. Dr. Steve Edelson is now accepting new patients. He has been in practice since 1995 and is an expert in the field of chiropractic. Dr. Edelson utilizes techniques such as Diversified (Palmer), Activator, Drop, SOT, Brimhall, Gonstead, and has created his own Cranial Adjusting Technique. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, or joint pain such as shoulder, knee, elbow, jaw, or wrist pain, then you should make an appointment right away. Dr. Edelson even uses Cold Laser Therapy. Call Today. In Tampa, for zip code 33629 and the surrounding areas of South Tampa, call (813) 495-0526. In Semiole,for zip code 33772 and the surrounding areas of Seminole, call (727)391-0221.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Call (813) 495-0526. Edelson Wellness & Chiropractic is located in Tampa, and specializes in chiropractic ser

Chiropractor, Tampa (Dr. Steve Edelson): Call (813) 495-0526. Edelson Wellness & Chiropractic is located in Tampa, and specializes in chiropractic services for Tampa and surrounding areas.
When you are suffering from pain to your back, neck, and joints, you want an experienced professional who has a track record of success with helping people who have these issues. You want Dr. Steve Edelson. Dr. Edelson practices in South Tampa and in Seminole, Florida. He has patients who travel over an hour to see him, passing many other chiropractic offices on the way. When asked why, they have said that they would not see anyone else and that the distance did not matter. Quality of service is something worth traveling for. Dr. Steve Edelson is now accepting new patients. He has been in practice since 1995 and is an expert in the field of chiropractic. Dr. Edelson utilizes techniques such as Diversified (Palmer), Activator, Drop, SOT, Brimhall, Gonstead, and has created his own Cranial Adjusting Technique. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, or joint pain such as shoulder, knee, elbow, jaw, or wrist pain, then you should make an appointment right away. Dr. Edelson even uses Cold Laser Therapy. Call Today. In Tampa, for zip code 33629 and the surrounding areas of South Tampa, call (813) 495-0526. In Semiole,for zip code 33772 and the surrounding areas of Seminole, call (727)391-0221.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Forum Post POST THREAD. For the latest Press release, Click Here.
Chiropractor Tampa, Chiropractic Tampa, 33629, Chiropractors Tampa, Edelson Wellness Center, Seminole, 33629, 33772