Friday, May 18, 2007


Chiropractor, Tampa: Chiropractic Works Fast.
Dr. Steve Edelson of Tampa, Florida has been a practicing chiropractor for twelve years. Dr. Edelson says, "Chiropractic works fast to relieve pain, but people should not expect to be 100% better after one visit." He goes on to explain that when most people go to see a chiropractor for help with their problem, they usually have a misaligned joint that is irritating nerves. The correction, or chiropractic adjustment is what is used to correct the position and function of the joint, thereby eliminating the irritation and restoring normal function. However, the thing to remember is that the joint has to be "Re-Trained" and often times needs a series of adjustments. The best analogy is in understanding the time it takes to correct crooked teeth with braces. A misaligned joint has ligaments, and muscles that have to be re-trained with several adjustments to achieve a long lasting correction. There is no definite prescribed time that it takes to do this. Everyone is differetn and responds at different paces. One has to factor in such things as age, the individuals usual recovery time for injuries, arthritis, and severity of the injury or misalignment. The length of thime that the problem has been in existance is also a big factor when determining a guess as to how long it will take. Usually, a majority of people will respond quickly and begin to feel better with the first few adjustments, if not the first one alone. When the sysmptoms are gone, however, it does not mean that the problem is gone as well. It often should be left to the chiropractor to determine if the problem is at its maximal improvement.
For more information visit these web sites: BLOG or href="">DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Edelson at (813)495-0526. See the Press Release. See the Forum Post POST THREAD and This one.
See the Press Release Press Release. Click Me.


Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Steve!

I am Christy Naghitorabi. I spoke with you on the phone at TIA on my way to France. I am still here for a week and a half and comunication is proving very impractical. I hope you are still interested in what we discussed regarding the book cover. I have been trying to find a place to print the material on the blog site.

In the meantime, please send me an email and take care! We'll speak soon!

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Steve!

I am Christy Naghitorabi. I spoke with you on the phone at TIA on my way to France. I am still here for a week and a half and comunication is proving very impractical. I hope you are still interested in what we discussed regarding the book cover. I have been trying to find a place to print the material on the blog site.

In the meantime, please send me an email and take care! We'll speak soon!